I’d rather see this in a different app that shares data and file types with Nomad Sculpt. Nomad Modeler or something. That way, Nomad can stay nice and sharp as a sculpting solution, and Modeler could be optimized for it’s purpose as well. (this is also where the much requested UV tools and painter should live)
+1 for basic low-poly tools. A few tools like Extrude, bevel, etc go a long way.
+1 to this. Whether in Nomad or in an separate app that easily communicates with Nomad.
Very much needed and will be very welcome as there is not such a things as a 3D topology, quad non CAD 3D modeller tool in oOad at all.
I use combination of this program’s on Android OS:
Nomad Sculpt + Spacedraw(lowpoly) , Prisma3dHax and ScetchBook for some operations…
Thanks for that!
Sadly those apps are not available for IOS at the moment for what I see…
Forger and an app called 3d modeling have low poly modeling on iPad OS.
Thank you. I will check out.
Still I think we could agree that even if it a lot to ask, it would be great anyway having low poly tools available at Nomad.
Hello. Low poly operations also require suitable software, easy to use, and can give the exact models you want. For this, I recommend you use SelfCAD. You can check this video to see how to create low poly models in SelfCAD. The best low poly modeling software. Tips for box and polygon modeling - YouTube
SelfCAD is both suitable for beginners and experts.
Excuse me, which format is better to save the product.?
Make an iPad version with good pencil support and touch gestures.
Depends on where you want to open the file.
Obj keeps quad but otherwise glTF should be the preferred solution.
If you only want to transfer between Nomad apps then use “nom” format.
low poly and retopology would be awesomoe… also a timeline to record… at least a layer timeline…
1+ adding my vote for box modelling, nomad would be perfect if it had some basic box modelling tools!
+1 vote for low poly tools for Nomad Sculpt
+1 vote for low poly tools for Nomad Sculpt
Gotta say nomad made me stop using Blender and Zbrush for a while, the low poly like we can do in Blender or Maya is the only reason i still use other softwares.
Nomad is so much fun, low poly is the only thing that i would love to see as soos as possible
+1 If there was add/remove loops it would alleeady be enough to create the perfect basic shape right in Momad that can be used as is or as a starting shape that alleady and easily has a perfect form for subdiv.
Since you can allready manipulate vertexes with masks as low poly master @Holger_Schoenischka demonstrates we dont need much more than the ability to add/remove loops for simple low poly
it’s a debate that has existed for a long time, indeed we have pros in manipulating vertices via masks etc… but let’s not forget that some sculptors (like me) like to start with a nice clean low poly object. I have found the solution for now and I have to go through forging or onshape. but we don’t need an extremely complete low poly tool but just enough to make basic shapes a little more complex and above all in a fast way. spend a day to get my basic object I’m not interested but if I know it’s possible to do it in nomad but with a lot of time spent.
Writing to bump this up again since I already added my +1 vote, as it seems to have gotten lost under the sea of requests. Keeping my fingers crossed for hopefully we get some amount of low poly tools… Please Stephomi, they don’t even have to be complicated just some basic low poly tools would be awesome! Nomad sculpt is already such a powerful tool, adding low poly tools would make it even more powerful.
Wow… Really?
I wanted to learn Blender for the poly modeling feature… But I’m kinda lazy to face the computer screen and get stuck with keyboard & mouse for hours just for modeling…
I just wish it could be done using my small tablet.
I know that there are already some poly modeling apps in PlayStore, but I cannot fall in love with their interface, lol…
A Nomad Modeler app sounds cool to happen…
Maybe that way some other features (like Blender has) can be implemented as well…
I am pretty sure I read the developer saying there is the possibility of him implementing poly modeling, but fixing bugs, and now adding “Quadremesh” to the app is probably the priority.
But since I posted this I gotta be honest, and I have been using Zbrush and Blender way more.
Nomad sculpt is amazing, and I have a lot of fun using it, but some stuff is easier using the PC.
Nowadays what I do is, I start my sculpts in Nomad, and when I hit the point where it gets complicated to continue on Nomad because of lack of tools, i Just import to my PC and then finish the piece on Zbrush or Blender.
I have seen a lot of artists doing the same