Low poly modeling


I’m adding my vote here as well. This is an amazing app, and I don’t want to come across as ungrateful or dissatisfied. This app is a very easy recommendation for my friends, it’s one of a few apps that I use that are just a no-brainer for the value they offer. :+1:t2:. But some very basic modeling apps would be very useful. I know the scope of this software is sculpting, but as many here have pointed out, many of us build our sculpts on top of a foundation built with modeling. As it is, I’ve found tips and tricks to make modeling work in Nomad, but a few additional modeling tools would really streamline the process. This is the #1 feature I’m hoping for in 2024. :+1:t2:

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Ive wondered about this for a while. Often, when i need to add a simple element to a scene, like a cracked cube, for example, I’ll make it in blender and then just import it into nomad. Otherwise sculpting a nomad generated object like that would necessitate an excess of vertices. It would great if you could use the gizmo to manipulate individual vertices on an object, provided the vertex count is beneath a certain threshold.

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You can manipulate vertices with the gizmo by selectively masking.

without wanting to offend you, it is possible to beat egg whites until stiff with a simple screwdriver but it takes longer and is more difficult. Perhaps a day will come when it will have these long-awaited functions and once again it doesn’t take anything super sophisticated. With facegroups we have already made great progress.

Lol! Europeans are so food oriented! First there was unicorn flake garlic salad & now egg whites. You can never offend me brother, my skin is as thick as Dario’s monkey fur!

I may have been the first to copy and paste “low poly please” at every opportunity, but I have become a realist over the years. Low poly tools are really important, but wasted dev time for our fearless leader is not. I’m the same as you, I create low poly models in other apps if I need to……but I’d LOVE the tools to be in Nomad. That’s why I give solutions to those users that feel they are missing out. Soon we get the best quad remesh algo along with massive improvements in UI and so many other tools. I’d prefer that to being able to extrude a low poly model.

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I embrace my intimate relationship with food lol. Fat, that’s life. (Le gras c’est la vie. Pour les francophone qui ont la réf lol)

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So the French like to get intimate with food……did you enjoy the movie American Pie? :rofl:

and here are the insults lol. I am belgian !!! but I forgive you


My sincere apologies. As the inventors of French fries I know you take your food seriously. Also waffles.

So in principle I should say that fries are a Belgian invention but it seems that this is not the case but that’s another debate, the Belgians have sublimated the fries lol. Otherwise, don’t forget our special beers.