Some very nice thoughts!
V = Subdivision, there are many options. Maybe I don’t get your intention.
Simple subdivision,
Dynamic topology with smooth brush, intensity on zero, dyntopo set on subdivision, constant. You can draw detail where you want, or use grab-dynamic radius to apply to whole mesh.
Easier is remesh in this case though, result is same.
A) Never thought of that.
Even though the arrows are showing the moving axis they are the most obvious. So why not use them?
Z axis = blue / front = light blue / back = dark blue
X axis = red / right = dark red / left = light red or pink
Y axis = blue / top = light blue / bottom = dark blue
C) I made a complete list for this as I see huge potential to improve for any shapes. Have a look Here
Good list!
Would be nice to see some works from you as well