Spork in the road

Great selection of characters. Always look forward to see what you come up with. :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks again.

@knacki Wish I had a good answer for that. Seems like forever ago, I used to spend a lot of spare time doodling with a pencil/pen. Now I use Nomad. It’s just fun to create things for the joy of creating. And since no one I know has any interests in 3D or weird creatures, I post them here…lol

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Decided I’m going to try some alien insects. Sounded like something fun to do anyway. This is my first attempt to get into it before I go into other weird/ridiculous directions with the subject.


Super cool! :clap: :clap:

Nice design. :+1:t2:

Thanks for share!

So cool! :raised_hands:

Went into the weird/ridiculous route with this next one.

Turned out resembling a praying mantis (though the strike is aimed upwards towards aerial prey). Also wanted it to be a bit larger, but still to have the ability to remain on the surface of the water and leap to catch its meals.


These are fantastic!

Nice sculpt. Great detail. :+1:t2:

Quick sketch for tonight from that wombo. Should have saved the image. Not really a lot of the original though. Just a hint of an eye into an ear with a hint of a mouth that kind of looked interesting. So a whole lot of filling in the gaps to make it a bit more of a full head.

Another quick wombo sculpt for tonight.


Like them. :+1:t2:

WOMBO is super :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Lot of crazy things to see in there.

A few more, just because it’s fun.


The Flamingo style one is my top favourite. Again so many beauties!

Thanks knacki. Kind of forgot about that program. It really comes up with some strange forms.

Quick low poly sketch today of the soon to be discovered tiny gliding dinosaur.


I love those wombo freaks!
Great work!

Cool, can you tell me how it’s done?I want to use it for some effects, I can’t try it out…

Didn’t realize it had been so long since I updated here. Always busy, but still working on a lot of nomad stuff. Here’s a few from recently.

From tonight. Wanted to do something a bit more cartoonish that I still textured. So an alien llamagator.


Alien Llamagator and WOMBO, what a couple! Disney would make a fortune out of them.