Spork in the road

Looks great to me!

That’s exactly what I did with the instancing and hierarchy - make a single body part & legs with hierarchy & then go to town on the instancing.

Been busy lately, but I had some time today to do some quick sketches to test the beta a bit (I don’t think these sketches even came close to pushing nomad in the slightest). On the other hand, sss is awesome and so much easier directly on the iPad than using the web demo.


The mad apple is awesome!!!
Did you sculpt the shoies by yourself? How long did it take?

Not really sure as to how long it took to make the boots, but it was at least a few sessions. I never know how long I’ll have to sculpt. Could be 5 minutes or an hour.

I had no clue how I was going to do it before I started, but the way I ended up doing it seemed to work fairly easily. Starting with a basic sphere I created the shape of a boot. Once I was satisfied with the rough look of it, I started creating each of the surfaces from back to front (or inner to outer, depending on your perspective). Just using the mask/extract, then pulling out the edges with a fairly large radius move tool to not deform the edges too much to overlap the different sections. Then just a bit of crease to simulate the stitching and it was almost done. Lacing up the boots with the tube tool took a little bit of time, but it’s a good way to practice with the tool.

Forgot about the sole. If I remember correctly, that was just a cylinder that I moved to fit the rest of the dimensions, trimmed a couple times for the heel and voxel meshed it to get rid of the stretching.

Wasn’t meant to be a perfect boot, but at the size it was going to be displayed, I was hoping it would pass. If you spent the time, you could get a pretty realistic boot or shoe though.

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Alien head again.

And already had an electric bike, so I thought I’d try a simple design for an electric off road vehicle. Just throwing parts at it, so there are some issues with the steering…lol. Still approximated the rims since my snapping isn’t cooperating at the moment.


@ToBe Quick answer here. Speed isn’t really the issue, it’s more getting the time to spend sculpting. As soon as art gets payed a decent amount for the actual work that goes into it, I’ll consider attempting that profession…lol. For now, I’m good being just a hobby guy. I’m already my own worst client anyway.

More or less done for now. Since the beta’s almost over, thought I’d spend a bit of time on him.

Just something quick that I saw with nature’s Wombo (the clouds) that I though would be fun to do.


Working on a couple different things. Makes it easier to go back and forth to something else when your brain just doesn’t feel like concentrating on a sculpt. Making my own Gollum on a rock. Added in some flat color to see how it looks. Cut off the toes, so I’ve got to redo those too. Still plan on refocusing on a lot of areas, but most of the main shape is in.


Nice sculpt! We actually have these in Texas…pretty close to actual scale on my monitor…no joke!

@ewsurpless Besides way too much heat, knowing that those are actually real, at that size especially, is just an extra reason to keep a state or two away from Texas…lol.

I just enjoy how Nomad can make a simple head sketch look much better than it actually is.


Beautiful staging, light and shading make you very good. Just the shader of the skin the subsurface and one may be too strong or it lacks a little reflection, but it’s only a matter of opinion

Thanks Jim. Yeah, there’s a lot that could be better. Still a bit new with sss. I had used it slightly when blender came out with a node that worked with cycles. Not sure how that’s going since once Nomad came out, my laptop hasn’t even been touched…lol.

Been a bit busy with numerous games with my son, so I don’t have a lot to show for my time lately. Did a little goblin thing.

Then watched a guy on YouTube creating a realistic LEGO guy out of clay. Looked like it would be fun to do a similar head in Nomad.


The goblin is superb!

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Thanks knacki.

And just recently realized that it’s October. Had to get in a couple head sculpts to start it out properly.


Wicked! Gives me incentive to do better.

Wow wow they are great!

Thanks again guys.

@Dathen Seems like you’ll get there a lot quicker than I have. Especially with how much time it took to get that Jeep done. I wish the original Sculptris forum were still available to show just how long it took to slowly figure out things piece by piece. And still a long way to go.

Just a single image for now. Another fun little alien bug. Opened this one back up to finish adding in the legs. Could have probably used all the little hairs on the legs and body, but oh well.


Nice stuff! You are doing splendid work. One after another.

Sculptris topics can be found in archive, but I wasn’t able to open a thread.

Yeah, those forums on zbrush central are basically down too. I was referring to the original drpetters Sculptris forums before pixologic bought it from him. I even tried that way back website to see if it was backed up there. But no. Even there, you can see the forum itself, but not see any of the threads.

Who knows, maybe this little forum will survive longer than those ones did. No telling exactly what the internet will evolve into in another decade. Or what Nomad itself will evolve into. Sculptris was awesome when it added the auto UV thing and you could paint and do bump maps directly on the model. That was just one update which actually got cut in half (the texture map was no longer allowed to be the size it was originally) once pixo bought it. Nomad has already had numerous updates of that quality already.

Yeah, was looking at drpetters Sculptris forum as well, but that seems to be completly down now.
No way to see anything. My experience at least.

I got a working version of original Sculptris 1.02 if you are interested :smiley: But man, immediatly went into this inflate brush trap :smiley: