Zspheres en Nomad sculpt please

The curve tool works well, but I have to be generating more spheres to be able to create a human shape, which leaves the file a bit heavy and my tablet starts to get stuck. Please, could you add the zspheres to nomad sculpt.


If you are stuck on using a similar method to create a human shape, try using the tube with profiles. Otherwise, Nomad is a sculpting program. It works quite well to sculpt any part, or whole, that you need.


Why are we, as users, trying to dismiss other users requesting features that would be helpful to them?

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Granted, I did miss that it was in Feature Request. Though it has also been requested countless times by this point, those requests have fallen off dramatically since the tubes have been upgraded. Sure, it could use one or two more upgrades (branching would be awesome), it’s still pretty damned good and can get quite a lot done for just a simple base.

On the other hand, if a user (seemingly a newer Nomad user) is using a tool in a way it was not designed and expecting it to work as a tool from how another program was designed, then wanting that tool somehow directly imported into Nomad, and there’s a pretty basic and simple tool that would do what they want (without the massive overhead in vertices) with a lot more flexibility, should I not mention that tool that’s already in Nomad? I could have also mentioned to voxel remesh the super heavy blob of shapes that they created so it was a single mesh and much less dense.

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I definitely don’t have a problem with suggesting workarounds when people ask for features that aren’t in the app. I’ve just also noticed a (fairly long-time) trend of users if not outright arguing against features, dismissing them with reasoning similar to yours. It seems to be increasingly common to see “it’s a sculpting app, not a ” or “it’s fine the way it is”.

Nomad is a great app, and has a great community. As a result, I think a lot of us feel kind of defensive of Stephane and the app, so we sometimes try to step in with how we think Stephane will respond to specific app feedback/requests. IMO, it’s a counter-productive mindset (that I, admittedly, have to pause and avoid myself sometimes).

/edit: I don’t mean this as an attack on you. It’s just a mindset that I’ve been seeing more of, and felt like it was worth commenting on.


I’m certainly guilty of this Justin. I see the barrage of “make it like Zbrush” requests and can see so many other things that need to be developed in the app before turning it into a complicated bullshit ZBrush clone. I tend to offer alternatives that already exist in the app.
Zbrush is coming to iPad, so we don’t need Nomad to be the same. Nomad should have its own points of difference, otherwise why bother?
I know Stephane has his own roadmap for the development of the App, and I’d hate to see development end because he’s trying to fulfil “make it like Zbrush” requests instead of innovating his own path.


Nomad sculpt is a brand for sure now with it own trade mark workflow … at the rate it is maturing it’s amazing.

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I will say, if there’s one thing I don’t think we need to worry too much about, it’s Stephane caving to unnecessary requests. :slight_smile:

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Hello, the truth is that at that moment I was very desperate, I have no justification for my behavior and that is why I apologize honestly and sincerely. I worked more on the curve tool and I have already gotten the hang of it, but I reiterate, I truly apologize to everyone, and I also apologize to Stephane honestly, I’m really sorry.

You guys are getting worked up about nothing lol, all is good.