Why is my model turning golden

Here is a example

Looks like it’s the inside of your model- you’re moving your model so much that it’s intersecting with itself.

Like what can I do to fix it

It the backside of the polygons coming through

To fix it you can first reverse back/front, then sculpt with frontside only mode to push back the golden (now white) bits, then reverse back/front again.

In detail…

  1. reverse back/front: material menu (dotted circle in the top left horizontal toolbar), activate “inverse culling”
  2. set front side only mode, 3 steps:
  • click second button from left in the top right horizontal toolbar (icon changes depending on what you selected last).
  • click on filter
  • activate “front facing vertex only”
  1. sculpt away the inverted bits using clay or brush in inverted mode, your details should be protected by step 2
  2. reverse back/front again: material menu, deactivate “inverse culling”

The “inverse culling” name is a bit confusing, in other applications “inverse culling” does what deactivating “two sided” does in Nomad. IMO it should be just named “inverse”