What do you think about nomad in the future ? Will be an alternative Blender or Zbrush

I can’t put Nomad to the alternative of Zbrush. But why we think that Nomad can’t pass Zbrush? What is the barrier to pass Zbrush? The answers are will show us lacks of Nomad for improvement.
İn my opinion,
1 uv map, normal map etc
2 polygroup ,
3 vertex polygon face modifier
4 gizmo settings
5 fibermesh

1 - 2 - 5 Please

I am a graphic designer in an advertising company. I used to make a visual proposal for a client if the 3D part is needed, I may need to use C4D for a long time to model and render, but now I can quickly make the proposal with nomad. Visual effects, I think this is the most attractive part of nomad for me at the moment

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