Tube tool square profile possible?

Would love to be able to have a square profile on the tube tool so that you can adjust similar to box object. That way you can produce strips and belts.

Also being able to pin the Color wheel when painting. Would be great! I’m not enjoying pro creates 3D paint feature as much as painting in Nomad!

Thanks for such a great


Agreed, square, ellipse, polygon and maybe some quickshape functions would be tremendous for stroke menu in general, not reserved for few tools only.

You can make the tube - 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 … Sides (change the division) and even flatten the cross section with the gizmo. But it is not particularly suitable for belts on a Body. There are better options than the tube for belts or straps on the body.


Brilliant! Hadn’t thought of this! Thanks

Great solution, Holger. I was completely misunderstanding the request by the way. Sorry.

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