Again not sure what caused it but its happening again like its making strange „pores“ and the topology got kinda „gritty“ remesh function or dyntopo actually causes it to get worse i also resetted the smoothtool to check its not some setting (it works fine in other files though) im not sure at what point it got like this i think i was fusing the ears to the head… Video i hope its visible in the video what its doing?
(Sometimes when i undo history its making even more pores…)
ps: sorry i made a new topic just tell me if i should add it to the other one instead im pretty sure its the same issue as last time since they react in a similar way
Thanks for the suggestion but sadly that didnt work either i feel like my remesh just acts… weird for certain models maybe an issue with polygon numbers?
its a bit hard to recall at what point exactly the messup happened i just remember noticing it after i started working on it again after leaving the program in the background to do something else for a while the last thing i remember doing is voxelremeshing the ears onto it working on those a bit then working on the haircurves, then when i came back smoothing causes what you can see… i will try pinpoint it more in future it might happen again
and yeah thankfully baking made it workable again
Hi, got visually similar issue, but it’s not related to remeshing. Usually happens after using smooth brush and then get these bumps, but not at the exact location where a brush was used, but around. See in the attached image, face details were destroyed by the bug.