Remove radius slider, to gain more vertial space

I wonder if it is somehow possible to deactivate the radius slider (I never use it, as I use the three-finger-up gesture) - so: can you deactivate/collaps it?
Or an option to shorten them (intensity & radius - separately?) - so the whole column fits on the 11" galaxy tab screen?
Even to lower the minimum Overall scale value might help a bit …

So hopefully even the alpha selection button would fit on the screen w/o scrolling…

I also see an option to rotate and put the button naming to the side of the button to save some vertical space…

That’s why dev should never listen to user when it comes to UI :joy:

Other than that, removing the sliders wouldn’t help much, the buttons starting from the alt/sub menu will always start at half of the screen height and that’s hard coded.
So it can only help you see sym/dynTopo better.

The logic is kinda complex (gizmo, trim, have tons of option, and when you hold any of the bottom shortcut, their position needs to be the same).

Note that on 1.91, there are some changes, and sym/dynTopo have their own panels (sym is always on top, like trim/split, etc), and they are always visible.

You can reduce the overall UI scale to help a bit (and increase font, spacing and panel width to max instead).