Simplify UI suggestions

Nomad’s UI is quite full already, maybe it could be simplified by removing some duplication. Just an idea… maybe there’s a reason for this duplication not sure.

Symmetry menu looks like the right one could be removed

Topology menu, left one could be removed

Material menu not sure, mostly the same but uses some brush specific settings

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Aren’t theu the same contextual settings menus but activated from different places? They’re not on the screen at the same time so not sure that removing one of them is really simplifying the UI.

Yes these would normally not appear at the same time. So for the saved screen space it would only be 3 menu buttons worth, but I think for users new to the UI it’s also confusing if a button or menu is in two different places but has the same function. Takes a while to realize.

Not that important anyway, just something I noticed while getting back into Nomad after some absence.