ios: improve quad remesher guide handling when symmetry is enabled
gizmo: add new target mode with sync instance
insert: fix previewed insertion when inserting on a repeated instance
insert: fix crash when inserting a node while instance option is on
insert: insert the nodes as a child instead of next to the picked object
insert: tries to keep hierarchy when inserting subpart of a tree selection
silhouette: fix option when mesh isn’t aligned (transform not reset)
silhouette: fix option when mesh has a non identity transform
ply: fix export when objects have transform
ply: fix export when exporting multiple objects
fbx: improve import
fbx: add basic export support (no textures, no materials)
tube: prevent profile editing if the profile is aligned with the camera view
tube: only snaps the first point of the tube when creating a tube and if the snap option is off
tube: fix cap triangulation sometimes failing in some cases
tube: snap can snaps on other object vertex
bake: fix self vertex baking in some case
bake: fix crash when a mesh has a normal map but without UV
bake: show offset preview
interface: quick mask or smooth shortcut sometimes didn’t work if tools were re-ordered
interface: add checkbox to disable long press undo/redo
interface: add alternative color wheel picker
interface: improve material and tool alpha preview
wireframe: only show wireframe on visible faces (can be changed in wireframe option)
wireframe: add an option to only show wireframe for the current selection
symmetry: fix flip option
symmetry: more robust handling by sculpting brushes
mask: mask shape selector can now clear and mask multiple objects at the same time
mask: masked area will ignore transparency and be visible (hidden face data will still be hidden though)
mask: clear mask even if the mirrored shape collides with the mesh (when the main shape doesn’t collide with the mesh)
move: fix background radius when mesh has non uniform or skew matrix
move: add swirl effect when using a secondary finger or input
facegroup: add auto group from normal option
facegroup: add auto group from separate parts option
multires: add a wireframe option to only show the first level wireframe
multires: add an option to lock the vertices of the first level
triplanar: add brush material triplanar mode
triplanar: add mesh material triplanar mode
tool: add extra contextual options to facegroup, mask and hide
tool: preset can be moved in subfolder
layers: add an option to extract a layer from the base painting, by comparing with a default material
dyntopo: fix bug that could make sculpting fails the surface picking
curve: revert behaviour of path drawing mode where new points can be inserted from dragging anywhere
xray: add target option to choose whether the selected or non selected objects are ghosted
file: update obj vertex color import if the file is coming from blender
tool: presets can be loaded through drag n dropping or import button (Project menu)
alpha: add screen projection option, instead of surface
repeater: tweak default mirror and radial initial world position
texture: matcap supports color texture
image: improve EXR support