primitive: popup menu with topology control
primitive: fix undo state not being recorded in some cases
randomize: symmetry supported
randomize: fix falloff for random samples
dynTopo: improve performance for global remesh
dynTopo: fix many issues with undo crashes
dynTopo: global remesh now supports non uniform scale correctly
dynTopo: reorder triangles when converting a mesh into dynTopo (better performance)
reproject: reprojection now reads color, roughness and metalness texture data
baking: texture baking now reads color, roughness, metalness, opacity and emissive texture data
material: texture transform are now synchronised by default
stroke: skip the first sculpting operation when resuming a brush stroke (snap radius on)
stroke: expose sampling radius for position and normal (Filter sub menu)
stroke: add depth masking option (Filter sub menu)
stroke: add keep sharp edges (Filter sub menu)
move: add silhouette option
resources: add replace button for images resources
resources: tool preset can now have custom icon
mask: switch from 8bit to 16bit (avoid step artefact with high poly and masking)
extract: improve border smoothing
extract: possibility to smoothing everything, not just the border
extract: add edge loop on the border of the extraction for better uniform density
extract: add thickness uniform checkbox, to decide whether the mask should modulate the thickness or not
triplanar: use face interpolation instead of vertex interpolation for low res painting
triplanar: plane solo mode now snaps the camera automatically
curve: add twist option
curve: add spiral option
repeat: curve repeater respects instance count value even with custom radiuses
gizmo: mask transform supported with multiple mesh
postprocess: add presets
interface: fix performance issue with drop shadows
shape: 2d shape drawn on screen can be edited after the end of the stroke
voxel: fix 64bit version (when resolution is high, usually greater than 1625)
render: fix transparent export (black border)
join: keep uv even if one of the joined object has no uvs
camera: flip the camera according to the scene center instead of the camera pivot
history: fix some undo and redos crashes
inspector: debug uv mode button renamed as inspector with a bit more control
snap: cube icon were partially rendered depending on screen size
decimate: fix crash happening with uv mesh and non uniform scale and with parts without uvs
gltf: fix some issues when loading the legacy glb.lz4 format
instance: when joining multiple instances, keep the layers synchronised
remesh: add Instant Meshes quad remesher
images: greyscale images were sometime incorrectly loaded