Easier multiple selection

Loving the update - I’ve imported an OBJ started in another software in order to add detail & test render outputs from Nomad. Looks great by the way. One thing I found is that when I split the model into its component parts, there are several hundred to deal with.
My request would be a better way to select multiple objects, which could be done several ways:

  1. Have a “select all” in the scene list, allowing deselection of objects that you didn’t want to re-combine.
  2. Have a method of selecting the first object in the scene list & then selecting the last object to select all objects between (similar to shift clicking in windows file system).
  3. Have a canvas based selection similar to select mask, where you can draw a polygon through the objects on the canvas to make your selection / invert your selection etc (similar to Z-Brush functionality)

Personally I’d prefer option 3 as I notice you’ve included modifier keys with same functionality as Zbrush (such as CTRL + drag on canvas removes mask). I know you’re not trying to copy Zbrush but obviously many users will be coming from that environment to escape its overly complex interface. I really respect the way that you care about the interface & I think that is the intuitive interface is the winning feature of this App. Thanks once again for the awesome update!

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  1. I’d like to support hierarchy for the scene. But I need to think more about that, my ui-list widget is not really ready for that.

  2. I will add that. (You will need to hold “smooth” shortcut)

  3. You can hold “smooth” shortcut to add/remove selection by clicking on the meshes in the canvas. I could add a dedicated tool for lasso selection but it’s not high priority.


Thanks for your consideration Stephane. I like the use of the smooth / mask buttons as an option to using the keyboard buttons, as that means I can use the iPad with the keyboard folded up. :grinning:

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Is it possible to add selection group feature, and access groups in a separate list view? This really does the same thing and does not require a new tree view.

In 3Ds Max one simply click and drag over list for multiple select. Best for touch as well, if possible.
3Ds Max select

Tap & drag over checkboxes could do the trick in Nomad.

I think it would be confusing to have 2 list view.
Grouping/Hierarchy is high on priority so I’ll see how it goes when I start.

I’ll take a look and see if it’s tricky or not to implement, I like the idea.

Release 1.40 is on the way with the drag-select thing.

I removed the “hold smooth to range select” thing as the drag method is much better.


You so totally rock! :+1:
Thank you :pray:t2:

Yeah, I accidentally exploded a grass model and I have thousands and thousands of triangles to delete, been here for over an hour deleting them all, a lasso tool would be fab :pray: