Creating a thread with the tube tool

Can anyone tell me if there is a possibility of obtaining a thread using the tube tool? I have tried using the twist command to obtain a round, spring-like thread, but when I try to change the profile, (triangular, rectangular, …) the thread head rotates as the twist proceeds, destroying the profile of the thread sought.


Take a look at Holgers suggestion HERE

Thank you for your reply, however my problem is that the triangular profile set initially, rotates in the subsequent loops whereas I would like it to remain as set initially, to create the thread of a screw. I don’t know if this is possible.

It is not possible at the moment.
You can only untangle the profile by eye - with the twist node you can straighten the twist again.
But it’s complicated.
The best way to test it is with a spiral with very few turns…
In this example, the twist is - 350 degrees - but as soon as you change a slider in the settings, the setting is no longer correct.

Thank you, very kind.
I hope this option will be possible in the future.

Thank you for your interest, with the latest changes made by stephomi, it is now also possible to create precise threads in Nomad

Yeah, great, I asked him based on your question a few days ago and for once he made the spiral orientation better, that doesn’t always happen… :joy:
I didn’t expect him to do it straight away. Stephane :100:

I followed your intervention on Discord with interest and I am happy with the result. Many thanks. Now I just have to wait patiently for the release of version 1.91

Yes, he’s really taking his time with 1.91 … but we’re getting more and more great features in return. :hugs: