Creating cables in nomad sculpt

I post new video of me creating cables in nomad sculpt :electric_plug:

Creating cables in nomad sculpt


Excellent work. It’s a vexing problem for some of us…

Gréât work and explanation but with this method, is there a way to make a loop ?
I’m looking for a method to make horn efficiently :slight_smile:

I’ve found that moving a tube too far will warp it. It could be done if you want to spend a lot of time pulling at little pieces to nudge it into place, or masking and rotating bit by bit. Besides pulling a horn out with the Move brush, you can try splitting a torus in half and rotating one part slightly. Merge the two parts and you’ve got the base to a curved horn.


I was saving The torus method for another video :joy:

Actually, I think you already did.

Yeah, I had to go back and find it, but you did for the suspension video. I saw it after I had created the screw threads for a screw before I realized I only needed the screw head prior to starting a steampunk kind of wasp. Never saved the screw threads since they wouldn’t be needed. Seemed pretty similar to what I had attempted which is why I remembered it.

I’ve seen all the videos so far. That’s how I knew the gizmo could step to specific angles while I did the cogs (thanks for that by the way, could be another video for you). So keep those videos coming. I know I’m likely missing a few things in there.

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