Hi everybody! May I ask for suggestions to a problem I am experiencing? I have a model I intend to print. It consists of two parts simple-merged together. Around the seam I need to do some re-sculpting, but as there are many deformed triangles I have to remesh that region beforehand (see image).
I tried to use dynamic topology in conjunction with the smoothing brush for this, having masked the adjacent areas before. Nomad lets me do all the adjustments just fine - but when I want to apply the brush on the model the whole app crashes. I have closed all other apps on my iPad, I have re-started Nomad, I have saved the model under another name … nothing helps.
Remeshing the whole model doesn’t work either, because I loose all the fine details when I apply a resolution lower than 600 - and when I exceed a 600 resolution, Nomad crashes again.
Does anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong? I work with an iPad Pro 9,7" from 2016.
Best wishes,