Add/Show layer brush (Opposite of Del. Layer)

I’ll throw this idea out here in case it’s relatively easy to implement:

A brush that works the exact inverse of delete layer would be nice to have.

Case in point for the sculpt below I have the rocky texture all on a separate layer and I’d like to duplicate it and then set it so that it shows no deformations and then just brush in the areas where I want to exaggerate the cracks and bumps.

It would be similar to storing two morph targets and using a brush to blend(mask) between the two.

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I love this idea.

But I just thought about it, we already know how to do that. You duplicate your layers and you use “del layer” to leave only the places you need and then you adjust the position for the force of the deformation. Now I figured out what you want and I just need a “reverse alpha” mode like in software like procreate and photoshop.

There is a tick for invert alpha. But it will invert the alpha generally, for all brushes, I think.

It‘s that what you want @PXgeek ?

I don’t think that’s it, as what you’re doing there is just inverting the alpha on your brush tip.
If you use zbrush it would be like turning on a layer that has your deformations->press store morph target->press switch morph target->use the morph brush to add back your deformations.

@Costorella_Stefano Yeah, in terms of 2d paint apps it’s like having a layer and making a black layer mask and painting white to reveal just what and where you need.

It’s doable using the delete layer brush in the traditional manner…just artistically “backwards” in these types of scenarios

Interesting UX wise. The alt mode for delLayer would intuitively be something that goes back to the original layer. But this would probably require extra layer data stored. The “backwards” method for the alt mode would go back to the original layer too but just wouldn’t stop there but overshoot.
I guess this would be ok, it’s also what ZB does with the morph brush.

Yes (for deformation only, painting has its own separate opacity channel) and I don’t really want to do that.

Somewhat related to this topic

It’s not exactly what you are asking for but you could have the same result by doing:

  • sculpt on layer
  • duplicate the layer and setting layer intensity to -1
  • use DelLayer
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I was mulling over it a bit and thinking about possible workarounds and considered copying the base layer on top of the duplicated deformation layer as a brute force method of a layer mask, but quickly realized you can’t copy the base layer.

Then I thought about being able copy or “snapshot” the visible state of the mesh and paste that onto a layer of its own…but i’m not a graphics engineer, so that’s probably orders of magnitude more complex than it needs to be. lol

Your solution sounds so much simpler while achieving the same result.
You’re a real wizard! :muscle:

Ok, I tested this out on the web demo and while it works as advertised in so far as it can be used to add/show a layer…it wasn’t as helpful for me in the above use case - since i still need the deformations on the duplicated layer to add on top of the original.

Setting the offset on the duplicated layer to -1 will merely negate the original deformation…which I suppose is its purpose.

I guess in my mind, I overestimated what that feature would actually do.
hehehe…maybe the answer will have to be morph targets, after all.

Give this a try: Duplicate the layer twice, set the third layer position factor to -1. Layer 3 should elimitinate the effects of layer 2 so you see only layer 1 again.

Now you can erase on the third layer which has the effect of increasing layer 1’s strength up to double.

If you need a stronger effect, you can increase layer 2’s position factor to 2 or 3. Layer 3 just has to match that value in the negative so 2 and 3 cancel each other out.

Ohhh…duh! :sweat_smile:
You the real MVP @ray

That solution was obfuscated behind way too much math(albeit simple) for my artist brain to have figured out on my own. Lol!
I’ll have to try it out on the next release to get a better since of real world scenario, since I can’t load a sculpt and only have mouse input for the demo.

The one observation I have right now is that it’s going to require the user to keep mental track of what each layer’s offset is, since my muscle memory intuitively went to sculpt on layer 3, which will give an unexpected result. I suppose it can’t be helped with such an advanced option…This is a really powerful feature!

Thanks Stephomi and Ray!!