Adam's Recent Sculpts

A bit more of a squeeze. As long as I don’t save the scene until I’ve finished adjusting I can add more objects. Saving a scene reduces the memory.


Adam, great models! And you’re the squeeze master, hands down! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Genko3D. :slightly_smiling_face:

A few more added. Have decimated all models now to the lowest they can go.


That’s pretty nice details with that many. It’s like a family picture btw. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:t2:

Lots of funny stuffs you made! Great job!

Thanks Dface_Lesh. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Panda_Ma. :slightly_smiling_face:

A work in progress of one of the best sci-fi characters. Ambassador G’Kar from Babylon 5.

I started on an old version a few years ago in another sculpting app. This one is new in Nomad.


A new E.T the extraterrestrial work in progress sculpt. It’s been gathering dust for a while so I have updated it a bit. Added a bit more detail and added a few items to the scene.


A small update. A few more accessories.



@Adam you have nailed nomad and also the rendering excellent work. count me a fan, these are awesome!. :star_struck:

How long do these sculpts take you?. you seem to get many projects done quickly!. love the variety :heart_eyes:

If you end up continuing the retro toy/movie themes maybe add a He-Man, an Original transformer and a samourai pizza cat :heart_eyes:.

Also mind sharing a big version of the Characters all together? ( without the UI), id love it as a desktop background!

Great work, as usual!
The flowers are 100% photoreal!

Thanks for the compliment Mark.:slightly_smiling_face:

It depends. Some may take a few hours or a few days off and on. Sometimes I may only work on a sculpt for an hour and then come back to it days or months later. I usually have roughly ten models on the go which I switch between.
Sometimes it’s best to leave the sculpt alone and come back to them at a later date. I work on more than one to stop myself becoming board and losing interest.

He-Man characters are planned, maybe a Transformer. All would be original era and not this modern rubbish. I’ve heard of Samurai Pizza Cats but not really watched it, so that would be something I wouldn’t get to in the foreseeable future.

I managed to save the render at 4K just as Nomad crashed. Even with all apps closed and Nomad freshly restarted it struggled.


Thanks Evgeni. :slightly_smiling_face:

I duplicated the petals model and had the duplicate set to a mid additive material to add a fake sub surface effect.

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I Love It​:+1::+1:

I have a question how you do for the logos for example for the beer and the potato salad? They are so clean so crisp and yet you are working with very few polygons if I remember correctly. What’s the trick? Thank you

Thanks Panda_Ma. :slightly_smiling_face:

First I have the object set to a high to mid high polygon count. In the case of the can it was around 160k.
Then I create an alpha map for the mask and turn the falloff to a flat line, the scale of the alpha down and the brush type to grab.
Once I have placed the mask I then zoom out the camera to make the object small and then set the paint brush on the biggest size to cover the whole mask. I try and press once or twice with the paint brush with maximum paint intensity. If you keep pressing and moving the paint brush over the alpha the edges of the alpha receive more paint and produces a blocky pixelated edge.

I have a separate layer for each paint colour which makes it easier to control and to then use the delete layer brush to clean up the colour. A bit like screen painting a print.

When I have finished painting I mask the areas of paint detail I won’t to protect and use the this decimate option. When it produces an okay result I unmask the protected areas and go over with the topology brush to reduce any extra polygons manually. :slightly_smiling_face: