Adam's Recent Sculpts

Waaaa one of my favorite when I was a kid. :heart_eyes:

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Playing with the material effects to add a bit more sparkle.



Super cool! Almost like particular :+1: :+1:

Thanks Knacki. :slightly_smiling_face:

Trying out a cartoon look of Orko without using metcaps.


Amazing work as always!, are they going into your scene with the other 3D characters? :smiley:

Thanks Minngton. :slightly_smiling_face:

On my iPad Air 2 I’m at my memory limit (just over 1.3gb).
So I have to swap models out or the scene will crash.


Use new decimate :wink:

I’ve used dynamic topology brush on each model to reduce the count to as low as I can go. It’s the iPad’s memory limit that’s my problem. Everything in the scene has been reduced from their original polygon count.

Unfortunately because there is no UV image texturing, certain parts of the model have to have more polygons than a model that uses a texture image to maintain the vertex paint detail.

I will wait until the memory throttling has been resolved for the new iPad and then I’ll upgrade my iPad.

Managed to reduce the polygons a bit more but lost a little detail. Will hopefully have a bigger desk display when iPad is upgraded.




Did you try the new decimate tool?
It should be much better than dynamic topology at retaining details.

Thanks Stéphane.

I’m using a combination of both tools. But yes on certain parts of the models I can get better polygon reduction and shape form using the decimation. :+1:t2:

I’ve used the decimation tool a bit more and have been able to squeeze a few more models into the scene. Obviously loosing detail when close up.



The way you squeeze all model you make, with upgrade iPad you probably will manage to put 3 times more model to be displayed :thinking:
Or perhaps 10 model with more details even when close up. :thinking:
Well just my thought :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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A faster iPad would give me many more options. Like you said, more models or more detail.

I’m still amazed what an old iPad can handle. Nomad running on the same iPad I use to use old sculpting apps on that couldn’t even do a quarter what Nomad does.

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Just a few more models squeezed in. :slightly_smiling_face:


Incredible. Looks like there are millions and millions of polygons and in fact you still have great managing the quality / number of poly

I had feeling with upgrade iPad @Adam will try to squeeze all model he has in one scene to test how many model he can put and keep the details in decent level :+1:t2: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I will share this on nomad discord :grin:

Thanks Costorella_Stefano. :slightly_smiling_face:

Deface_Lesh I probably will try and see how far I can push a faster iPad. My PC is gathering dust. I love using Zbrush but I can get more done in Nomad. :slightly_smiling_face:

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