Wolf Charracter - first attempt

Hi everyone, this is my first attempt creating something in Nomad, and my first experience in 3D. I find it very exciting, but also difficult, struggling with mesh, resolution and try to see how things behave. I have crashed it several times due to too high resolution I think. But over all, thanks for bringing such a complex world to us this easy. Great fun!!


Keep up the good work, not bad at all for a first attempt!
Stay motivated.

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That’s pretty damn good.

I’m new to Nomad. How did you get that glass texture for the glasses?

And the whiskers, are they using the line tool?

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The glass texture is a min mix of light green color (low roughness, high metallic) and blending mode, in fact real easy to accomplish:), making the whiskers I used the tube-tool, and edit it before validate, and then I used the move-tool to make every whisker special.

Nice first try keep it up!! looks like the wolf is wearing grandma’s glasses!!!

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Ohhhh! Thank you. I haven’t tried any blending mode. Will look into it.