I also did some testing on discord. I really want this to work, was was excited to see the ‘keep groups’ option, implying you could do that popular workflow in zbrush to tag up polygroups to guide zremesher.
It doesn’t work, which is a real shame. Unconstrained zremesher is pretty good, but both curve guides and polygroups are pretty broken. Also its very easy to crash on older hardware, its pretty much unusable on a 1st gen ipad pro, the same machine that runs nomad very solidly.
Original decimated head in nomad (I had to decimate it quite a lot for zremesher to work at all):
Result of default zremesher, pretty good:
Polygrouping the mesh in forger, smoothing out the borders (painful process, forger’s UI is not good for this task):
And the zremesh result with ‘keep groups’ enabled, basically useless:
The same mesh with the polygroup colours disabled, there’s too many artifacts here to be usable:
Vs the same process in zbrush, not even trying to smooth the borders. Clearly its a very different algorithm, which is disappointing.
I’d say in general the UI is quite frustrating to use, lots of menu diving, camera controls are glitchy (especially the snap-to-axis stuff), I really hope they can fix all this stuff, but I’m not holding my breath.