Smooth Display (Maya) Dynamic Subdivision (ZBrush)

I am trying to find a way to enable “Smooth Display”.
The way Maya does it: keyboard shortcut 3
The way ZBrush does it: keyboard shortcut d

This will take a low resolution mesh and smooth its silhouette and remove any ‘faceting’ from the surface.

Can Nomad Sculpt do this?

Try this?

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Yes I tried that. That is not what I am talking about thank you.

This is a screenshot of zbrush using a 6 sided cube and going into subd mode:

From my understanding, zbrush “d” shortcut cycles through subdivision levels. If so, maybe check out Multiresolution. After subdividing you can cycle through the subdivision levels.


But I don’t know zbrush so I could be way off…

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nice answer

Thank you. I’m sorry I’m not being clear. I apologize.

I have made a living with ZBrush for 24 years. Control+d (in ZBrush) is the shortcut to create a subdivision level. Only after this is done will ‘d’ by itself cycle up to higher subdivision levels. Shift+d cycles down.

But if you do not have any subdivision levels d will give you dynamic subd mode, which does not have ANY subdivision levels, it simply smooths out the mesh (like in the screenshot I posted above). Shift+d then will take you out of that mode and back into the cube (as the example above).

This all gets into terminology differences, same words meaning different things in different apps. Ultimately no, what you’re asking for doesn’t exist in nomad directly.

That feature is displaying the subdiv limit surface, basically ‘show me the final subdivision surface directly from the polygon cage’. It’s more a feature for subdivision modellers (maya, modo, zbrush in its zmodeller mode).

What nomad does, and zbrush is normally associated with, is multiresolution sculpting. You can keep subdividing and eventually look like the final subdivision surface, generating lots of polygons on the way. Usually in nomad and zbrush you want this, because the intent is to sculpt on all those polygons to make cool high res high detail sculpts.

Viewing the limit surface would be interesting for nomad, but based on watching nomad’s development in the last year or two, would probably be skipped in favour of other features that are more useful for sculpting.

That said stephane (the developer) sometimes surprises us all with a cool new feature, maybe he’ll see this and think ‘yeah, cool’. :slight_smile:

Eg in the next release will be the option to show the wireframe only for subdiv level 0 when sculpting on higher levels, which makes for a nice clean look.

You can preview it in the web demo, press and hold the wire button at the bottom and select ‘multilresolution level 0 only’:

Both can be useful. Thanks for the answer.