Way to easy! Learn to make it yourself. Will help you thousand times.
I used tubes flattened with transform tool but not validateted so you can change them. Low Resolution in division. Those for foreground.
Background base is a simple plane. Around 10x2 Polygons. Just make a sharp tip and bend it a bit with move tool. Then clone, transform, clone, simple merge, clone transform, simple merge, a bit move brush for irregularity (conneced topology on) and some overall shaping (connected topology off)
Try it. It’s the base for anything. Hair, grass, fur.
You can do it very quickly with this technique. ahhh…don’t forget to switch on “two sided” in material option if you use a simple plane.
Check this tut. One of the few I ever saw but really helpful for this:
Thank you very much.
Most of hair is based on one tuft of hair I cloned and formed. This again is based on one plane I gave a curly look that have been cloned and slightly changed with move tool and toggle between “connected topology” on / off.
I still don’t understand why the Scree Space Reflection often reflected only half of an object. I understood that it only calculated what was visible on the screen but it is still very random.