Quad remesher isn’t following face loops

I am using the quad remesher tool and the curves, circles, etc. to try and make face loops, but they are only working for the legs, not the eyes or the mouth of my character… not sure if there is something i am doing wrong? Any help in making the face loops work successfully would be much appreciated. :pray::pray:


If the issue is within nomad I could check out if you send me the file.

Otherwise you can try increasing the target count, maybe it will help

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Here is the remeshed version. I don’t know if i can send the original, it is quite large. 157mb.

Octo retopo.nom (2.1 MB)

Symmetry Z is enabled.


Thank you so much stephomi! I disabled symmetry z and it works now! :pray::pray::pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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