Post processing - render - Kuwahara effect & tilt blur

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I would like to see these post-processing effects implemented in the future releases, if possible -

  • A half tone effect with the ability to change the pattern with a bitmap/image would be great.

  • A shader based outine effect with threshold (I know that existing curvature effect can be somewhat used for this purpose)

  • An anisotropic kuwahara filter for water color effect with threshold.

  • A simple lens distortion effect.

  • The existing chromatic aberration effect works as intended, it would be great if it can take lens distortion into consideration and ability to change the hue of the effect.

  • The existing depth of field effect works as intended, it would be great if we can control the shape of bokeh using a bitmap/image along with threshold and brightness control for the bokeh.

  • The existing bloom effect works as intended, it would be great if we can get a convolution bloom effect with ability to change the bloom kernel using a bitmap/image.

Other than these effects, a layer based post-processing stack would be great with an ability to re-order the post-processing effects…

I know this will require a lot of work to implement these… So, it’s upto you…