Portrait Indian Old man (iPad)

Thank you

well sometimes i like to suffer myself so i was doing every stubble with tube primitive and i didnt want to use any other software so i was just sticking to nomad completely, it took me few hours to do it. i would appreciate if there’s some deformers, randomizer tool and better UV options in the future with Nomad. thank you

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It’s not perfect, but you can use the insert brush to insert whatever mesh and it’ll snap it to another meshes surface.

So you can create a few low poly tubes shaped as single hairs (or whatever other mesh you want to “scatter”), edit their pivot as needed, the insert tool aligns the y axis (green) to the surface normals, so in the case of a tube used as a hair, it works better with the x axis (red) pointing down the length of the hair strand otherwise they stick straight out of the surface.

The tool lets you adjust rotation and scale as you insert new copies of the hair strand. Then once you have a small patch, you could merge them together, edit the pivot and start inserting this new patch to have more coverage, and carry on from there.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a bit finicky and if you can do it in blender that’s prob 1000x better, but technically you could do it faster that 1 curve at a time in nomad