Please add zoom and pan buttons like in Blender.

Blender has these two buttons in the top right corner of the viewport, which are the ZOOM button and the MOVE button. The Zoom button, when clicked and dragged downwards, provides a zoom out, and when dragged upwards, a zoom in. The MOVE button, when pressed, allows you to move the viewport’s view by moving the mouse to a certain position.

I would like the developers of Nomad Sculpt to add an option in the settings that enables these two buttons for those using Nomad on the Android Emulator, as it’s nearly impossible to zoom through the emulator. I’ve tested several emulators: Bluestacks, LD Player, NOX Player, Memu Player, etc., but none of them allow zooming. If they add this functionality, I will purchase the Android version of Nomad Sculpt. I really like the way Nomad Sculpt approaches digital sculpting. I tested it on my phone, and despite the small screen, it was much faster to create a model than in Blender because, for me, Nomad Sculpt is much faster and more intuitive and has excellent digital sculpting tools.

I’m also eagerly awaiting the arrival of Nomad Sculpt 1.85. From what I’ve seen, among many new features that will come, the most exciting for me will be the Quadremesher. I’m super excited, and I hope these two functionalities are included in the next version!

I would also like them to add the Zoom in Mouse Position function, if possible. That would be very helpful!


Maybe try “Gesture” → “Assistive window”

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There is no Quadremesher in the Android version. Also, I’m not sure that adding extra buttons to the UI is necessary, to benefit a handful of emulator users.

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Thank you very much! I didn’t know that Nomad had this function. Gratitude! Another question: why don’t you release this demo version of Nomad Sculpt (nomad - WebAssembly) as a commercial software or website? I would definitely pay for it, as the interface is great, fully functional, and everything seems to work very well!

I understand, but this feature already exists; @stephomi showed me how to activate it. Furthermore, you mentioned that QuadRemesher is not available for the Android version. I would like to know if this will be permanent or if there are plans to include QuadRemesher in the Android version in the future. Thank you in advance for your response.

I didn’t know that the assistive window existed :+1:t2:

With the remesher, I think that the issue with Android was agreeing the licensing with Exoside. This can be controlled through in-App purchasing on Apple devices but would possibly lead to piracy on Android devices.

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It likely won’t happen.

Web is just for testing purpose, but there’s a desktop version incoming later this year.


Wow! You don’t know how this news brightened my day. I will eagerly await the PC version of Nomad Sculpt! Gratitude!

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