Nothing here

No, you don’t need someone giving you what you want, whenever he wants, not when you need it. What you really need is a lesson in helping yourself. A lesson in using search machines to help yourself! Life will be much easier, promised.

Sculpting alpha cloth - three words with Huge impact. Add free and use image search and you can select what fits your needs directly onscreen instead of waiting for others to response"

If you add “free” with hyphen, the search will only turn out hits where free is implemented.
If you enter: sculpting alpha cloth “free” -zBrush you won’t get results with zBrush implemented, which is not the best idea, but just in case you want to avoid possible psd alphas.

But no, I don’t know a huge free alpha collection……there was something posted in here I guess. Some filled their drive,
Hold on……

You know what?
You even don’t need Google, just use forum search engine. This little magnifier icon up there in right top corner you ignored before posting.

I am not sorry for my sarcasm, as I am really tired of these, “gimme these, gimme that but I am not willing to do anything by myself” questions.

This is Nomad sculpt forum not Nomad Kindergarten with lots of Nomad Nanny’s waiting for……

Sorry, but please, please, please, try it before asking . Just try it.
This will help you in a lot of life situations, not only sculpting.

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