Nomad Change Log


uv: improve experimental support (enable in Debug menu, unwrapper in Topology … menu)
clay: add flatten offset parameter

layer: fix extract feature (keep transform)
eyedrop: fix color issue with background
render: fix render bug when adding a point light (jaggy shadows, etc)
heightmap: improve quality of heightmap debug feature (banding)
gesture: add three finger vertial drag to edit radius
split: add front vertex option (fix mask behavior as well)
gizmo: fix rotation on primitive with non uniform scale

voxel: add sharp edges option
voxel: remesher is now using less memory and is a bit faster

primitive: fix cylinder radius handler not being positioned correctly
primitive: no transparency for mirrored mesh when using the View tool

render: use cubemap for environment instead of octahedral (less artefact on sharp background)
render: improve refraction support when depth of field is enabled

file: support multiple file loading when importing from Nomad
file: fix random crashes when importing image files
file: keep objects separate instead of merging them when loading/saving obj files