performance: fix Drag and Move performance
primitive: add hole option for tube and lathe
primitive: add editable path in 3d for tube and lathe
primitive: fix cloned tube/lathe disappearing when editing their properties
primitive: reuse the config of the current selected primitive (insert, tube, lathe)
interface: infinite slider (detail resolution, primitive, etc)
interface: drag your finger on the eyes icon to quickly hide multiple mesh in a single gesture
tube: add closed curve option
voxel: the voxel remesher can compute lower resolution for multires
transform: fix bug with clone and transform tool (squashed history)
render: png export now supports partial mesh transparency (for compositing, etc)
background: support alpha
background: fix distortion on rotation
background: replace scale/translate/rotate sliders with interactive transform
symmetry: fix few issues with icon being disabled (insert, clone, etc)
symmetry: flip checkbox is removed and instead adding 2 mirror buttons (left to right / right to left)
symmetry: add flip option