This is straight out of my notepad. I don’t know why I was creating this list for myself, since it’s not my program to improve. I figured it makes just a little more sense, in the features forum.
— Add to selection - For working with long object list, click and add to selection on the field, instead of adding to selection with check marks. With a long a complex list, this process becomes a process of elimination to find a specific set of objects. Can be simplified.
— Multiple symmetries - Quadruple points symmetry to help with “extruding” processes - x and z axis, or any set of axises.
— Insert to Center - Ability to insert a single object onto the set axis, without having to align the object to the center. Alternatively, snapping to center option would help. Handy for Insert, Lathe, and Tube (All insert methods) This would really speed up and smooth out workflow.
— Bug fix - Tubes are not built from preset symmetry axis. (As of now, I have found a work around but it’s tricky.)
Im VERY happy with Nomad, overall, excited to see how it grows, and I hope these things I’ve noticed are considered for the updates.