I have a few questions actually, all related to standard digital sculpting workflow for creating and manipulating multiple sphere objects for characters’ eyes and lids.
Is there a way to transform multiple objects at once? I tried selecting multiple objects in the Scene dropdown and then using one of the transform tools with all the objects selected but it only moves the one selected in the actual scene.
Once we’ve validated positions after having created a new primitive with the Symmetrical box checked, we get desired mirroring of transforms. After having validated the position though, can we go back to getting similar mirroring? EDIT: Okay, I found the mirror option under the Symmetry dropdown!
Is there a way to split objects in exact halves? Can we maintain pivot locations with the Trim tool?
Is there a way to transform multiple objects at once? I tried selecting multiple objects in the Scene dropdown and then using one of the transform tools with all the objects selected but it only moves the one selected in the actual scene.
Not yet, it should come for the next release or the one after.
Is there a way to split objects in exact halves?
For now the only way to get a clean cut is to duplicate the mesh and Trim twice but it’s a bit annoying.
Now that you mention it, a Split tool that works similary to Trim make sense.
Can we maintain pivot locations with the Trim tool?
At the moment the gizmo pivot is automatic, but I plan to make it moveable in the future.
Maybe an icon that lets you move the pivot at will.
And another that “lock” the gizmo position even if you switch objects.
I need to think about it more.
Hello. Is 2023 now. Is there a way to do the procedure now!
I have a similar issue.
I need to use the move transform tool to move 4 objects at the same time.
The side of a face were the eye ball, and the upper and lower eye lids come together.
I tried by selecting them all in the objects menu but when trying to use the tool it just unselect them all expet one so only one can be transformed. Then I tried by joining them with the hope to be able to transform them all and the un-join them but again it only transform one object. At this point is to early to merge them all together.
Is there a way to perform this action?