Move/sculpt through multiple volumes

One thing I really miss coming from 3d coat is the ability to move and sculpt over multiple volumes, and being able to toggle this behaviour on and off. Please consider adding it, it’s a great way to do large proportional changes to you model.


By multiple volumes you mean objects? I have 3D coat but never dived really into it, except texturing.

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yeah sorry; volumes = objects.

For a workaround, you can use “simple merge”, and later “separate” to restore the original objects.
The original object names will be gone though.

Btw for move brush without topology masking, use the drag brush in grab mode or turn off “connected” in the move brush


thanks - but where is ‘connected’? There when I click on the move brush it says this tool doesn’t have any specific settings.

Stroke settings.
It’s not specific to Move tool.

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