Mirror for groups


Is it not possible to mirror a group of objects? It’s quite important.
Is there maybe a way to do it without having to join all objects ?

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Use the mirror node - put the group inside the mirror node - then Validate / keep instances

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Holger beat me to it. But here are pics of the buttons.

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Super Holger, danke dir. Hab ich garnicht daran gedacht.

Thanks, completely missed that!!

So the mirror axis is off kilter, and the mirror node inherits that… I think there should be an option to choose whether to inherit it or use world 0.

That being said, how can I reset the mirror axis. "Orientation"doesn’t seem to do anything.

The Mirror Node pulls off both of world center and local. You just have to have the correct one chosen (World vs. Local in the Symmetry menu) before adding the Mirror Node.

If you’re wanting to change/reset the [local] mirror axis, you can do so using the Pivot tool while the Gizmo is enabled.

As far as I know, the mirror node has nothing to do with the symmetry menu or the pivot.
There are only 2 options to insert the mirror node -

  1. ON GIZMO position
  2. World Center

but this setting is ONLY in the primitive ADD Menu.

If there are problems, it is usually because you are creating the mirror within a group / repeater node or as a child of a other object - this can lead to problems in the Gizmo Matrix.
That’s why - I always take out the objects from the groups/repeaters or subfolders and then create the mirror node. Only then do I put the mirror node back again in the group / repeater.
And check the matrix of the mirror node.