Maintaining Repeaters for 3D Printing?

Hey all! Everyone here is so helpful so I thought I would ask a question that’s been on my mind for awhile. The new (though I guess they aren’t so new anymore) repeaters are such a powerful tool but I’ve avoided them after realizing very early on that the repeated objects were lost when the model was exported to Lychee slicer to prep for 3D printing. As I use Nomad Sculpt primarily to create models for printing this is a huge turn off and I haven’t tried since.

However, I’m wondering if anyone here has had success using repeaters on a model and being able to export it reliably to Lychee sculpt and if so, can you share what you did (did you have to “bake” the model before exporting it somehow? What file type did you export as?) Etc.

Extra info: I try to avoid unnecessary voxel remeshing when I can because I am on an old IPad 6th Gen, with 4gb of RAM (can’t wait to upgrade soon!), so greatly appreciate any advice that avoids the use of techniques that use lots of RAM aha!

You have to select the repeater in the scene list and validate it. This will give you some options on how you want to validate - join together (no remesh) / keep instances (change one and all change) / un-instance (all separate objects)

Thing to note is that instances used in repeaters do not take up ram in the same way as “real” objects. They are place holders being shown in a different way, therefore taking less ram. You need to be wary of the vertex number in brackets……which is the actual vertex count in the scene. When you validate you’re turning the instances into real geometry and if that number is in the high millions then you’ll probably crash out - I have the same iPad as you, so I know the pain :blush:
To be acceptable for your slicer you need to make a water tight mesh, and if you don’t want to remesh you will need to Boolean each object together. This can take a while as doing the whole lot together can also cause a crash.
Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Can’t believe I didn’t see the validate option lol! Thank you for your helpful response and additional tips!

My vote is for having the validate button always on the right side for any operation, as it’s usually the last step and where you’d naturally be looking for it (maybe even a small space away from the other buttons)

Good point - as in we read from left to right……so the right side is the natural position for validation :slight_smile: