Losing alphas in saved brushes?

I have a variety of saved brushes that use different imported alphas. When I close the app and restart later, the imported alphas are blank. The other brush settings are saved, but the alphas are blank, white.

The alpha files I’m using were imported from a Dropbox folder that I have set to be available offline. All the alphas I’ve imported are still visible in Nomad, they just don’t “stick” to the created brushes. Any ideas?

I’m not entirely sure, as I have long since changed all my tool settings for 1.95. But check the settings global material - and possibly check stroke alpha checkbox.

or check alpha include checkbox for materials

This is in the alpha menu, where there’s not a material option. I’m just using the alphas for texturing the surfaces. Here, the alpha that I used this morning is now gone and it’s just blank white:

Even if “use global material” is off, the tool alpha is saved.
The material alpha is selected only if you re-select the material preset.

Note sure what could go wrong.
Does it happen with any alphas?
Note that if you select a material with “alpha (included)” ON, then it will override the alpha (only if you select another material, changing tools shouldn’t override the alpha)

It seems to happen with all custom brushes I’ve created that use alphas. The brushes keep all their other settings, but the alpha gets cleared. The brushes lose their alphas when I open and close the app, or just when the ipad has been off for a while. This is on a new ipad Air.

I’m pretty new to Nomad, just a few months in, but haven’t really done anything with the material tab, since I’m just sculpting for 3D printing.