How to save a brush with alpha?

Hi, I would like to know if there’s anyway to save a new brush with alpha.

I tried saving it after putting alpha on. But after restarting the app the alpha was resetted to default blank. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thank you in advance! :heart:

It’s weird… I don’t have any issue. How do you close Nomad? Are the alphas in any unusual format (webp, exr…) ?

No, it’s just a normal .png format.
I close Nomad just by opening “running apps screen” and swipe it up to close.

Oooh my gosh, I found it.
I didn’t check these 2 before saving brush!

After doing this, my brushes were saved with alpha.

My badddd! Thank you for your help making me noticed it wasn’t a bug. :pray:

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Awesome! Thanks to you asking, because if this happens to me or anyone in the future, the solution can now be found here in the forum :smiling_face:

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This setting - alpha include - actually only affects the saving behavior of the material - not the brush tool.
You should have asked your question differently - you asked for save a NEW BRUSH !
You didn’t want to save a new brush - but a new MATERIAL.
For a material you need the checkbox - include alpha - for a new brush you don’t need this setting and yet the alpha is saved when you clone and save the complete brush tool.
That is something completely different.

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Sorry about that, yeah, I should have asked differently :sweat_smile: