Lopoisaac - thread for my sculpts

Thanks! I’m trying my best to make it look “good” in 3D, but the concept is great!

Cute little dude. Would love to see it finished

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Thanks! I’ll try my best hehe :slight_smile:

More progress (arrows, bag…). The new hierarchy system is amazing for keeping your sanity when you work with a ton of objects


Update: I added more objects. Now I’ll start going one by one adding details etc.

Since I got the app ‘Cozy Blanket’ I’d like to export everything for the retopo prior to baking. I hope to finish in 1-2 weeks.


Very nice!

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Thanks!! I’m enjoying a lot the new features, thanks so much for making Nomad better everyday!

Great work!!

Thanks! Hehehe :blush:

Sculpt in Nomad + retopo and bake in Cozy Blanket


More progress on this other character. I baked some parts and went from 2M to 500k polys (but I think it was a mistake because I deleted the high poly meshes and now I can’t add more detail on the baked objects haha)


It’s looking great!

Note that you can bake inside Nomad as well.
Simply keep the high poly and import the retopo mesh from cozy.
That way you can bake the painted roughness and metalness as well.

(the generated normal map was looking better in Nomad as well, but maybe it depends on the model, I only compared on a few test)

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Thanks so much!! Yes, I know I can bake inside Nomad (and it works great!) but sometimes I find small artifacts on the texture after the bake. I don’t even report them here because I know that the issue is the distance between the lowpoly mesh and the highpoly mesh and that’s a feature request (not a bug).

I mean… the artifacts appear on my models because (1) I usually do retopos with big quads and (2) I go as low in polygons as I can, and that sometimes that difference between surfaces produces baking issues (the same issue happens if you start decimating a mesh and go really really low on a mesh with abrupt changes in concavities and convexities, and I’m sorry for this poor explanation because you are very talented and skilled enough to be aware of all the issues regarding baking etc)

To sum up, in Cozy Blanket right now you can change the ‘cage distance’ of the low poly/retopo in order to solve this artifacts (second 0:33 of the video below). I’ll probably bake always in Nomad in the future if this feature is added (because Cozy Blanket is great but you can’t bake metalness among other things that Nomad already can do). Not sure if this kind of features are in the scope of your plans, but I just want to thank you again for keeping improving Nomad (the last upate was really huge! I’m very VERY curious to see

There is no cage in Nomad because the “cage” threshold is really big (10% of the model bound).
I can easily make it bigger but I’m not sure that’s the problem here.

I project by casting a ray from the vertex normal, so maybe the issue is that some vertex have normals that will miss the hires model.

I got a workaround (if the ray miss) that I disabled because I never had a file that required it.
If it happens again, I’m interested in having the file itself (just the low/high object to replicate the issue).

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I have this example (file bake_test.glb.lz4 - Google Drive)

On the left the high poly, on the right the retopo.

The bake issue appears in some parts (high poly on the top, retopo on the bottom). Could it be that the high poly is made of several meshes? They are Joined but not with the voxel remesh, boolean operations etc

Yes one workaround is to use the voxel remesh, it will definitely help.

If I subdivide the high poly mesh (to make sure the voxel doesn’t “flatten” low density area, loosing smooth shaded in the process) then voxel remesh with high value and bake I got better result:

(I also made the “threshold” mentioned in my last post bigger as well, so you might get a different result in your version, in any case the bigger threshold will solve some issues).

(highres on the left)

Yes that’s the issue, the baking doesn’t catch the “correct” surface.
I favor the closest surface, but in that case it doesn’t work well.
If I offset the ray it works fine as it will catch the correct surface (without voxel remeshing, etc), but it will break in some other cases so I won’t do it.

I’ll see if I can find a workaround to make most cases work correctly.

Edit: In the end I’ll add a small cage offset slider.
Normally it shouldn’t be necessary, unless there’s intricate geometry.

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Oh That’s interesting! I’ll try to voxel remesh in these specific cases as you say. And whatever you do I’m sure it’ll be the best decision :slight_smile: Thanks!

Another work in progress


Almost done with one character. After the hands I just need to retopo + bake the boots and the backpack.


Hello, you’ve made some really great sculpts! I’m interested in your use of CozyBlanket, and how you find it works with Nomad - may I ask you a few questions about it? I can’t find much info about it, and some of the YouTube reviews are mixed.
Are you using the full feature version or the lite one? Whichever version you use would you recommend it or do you have any issues? Any feedback is much appreciated, thanks!

Thanks! Yes, there is little info about Cozy Blanket… but I think there is a Discord channel somewhere (ask the developer on Twitter >>> @Sparseal) and maybe you can find more help there

The full version

When I got Cozy Blanket there was no lite version yet (I’m not sure about the differences). All I can say is that I’m happy with the full version because I have all the features and some are cool. And yes: it’s not cheap at all. For me it’s worth it because I use the iPad a lot and the combo Nomad + Cozy allows me to sculpt anywhere. I’m paying for the freedom to sculpt on the toilet or in bed.

So… I have the full version because I want all the features but maybe lite version is enough for you. It’s a bit personal. Maybe you can try it and get a refund if you don’t like it…

The gesture recognition is (still) not good at all. It can be frustrating sometimes. That’s my biggest issue by far: drawing again and again lines that don’t get recognized because the camera is slightly far away or slightly tilted or whatever…

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