Jim’s sculpt’s

Thanks. If you look up “box modelling” on YouTube you will find tutorials on the basic process (though not using Nomad or not many, at least!). Inside nomad the techniques that I have used are:

  1. moving vertices - straightforward enough, either use move tool or mask/invert mask then gizmo. Using mask you can isolate individual vertices if you need to.
  2. create new edges/faces - use the split tool (with hole filling turned off) to cut through the mesh where you want a new edge. Join the 2 bits of mesh back together using “ join” in the scene menu. (You can use mask to protect parts you don’t want to split)
  3. extrude faces - mask the faces you want to extrude; extract shell; split then delete the original masked faces; split then delete the corresponding faces on the extracted shell. The shell should now fit like an open box over the hole in the original mesh, and they can be joined together. Use this technique to create the topology necessary for the eye sockets and nose, for example.
  4. the mirror left to right/right to left can be very helpful; sometimes you can use it to create holes.

That’s basically it. The only topology that really needs careful planning are holes/handles through the mesh, like the zygomatic arches on the skull, for example.