Is Tube Snap broken?

I either am using the wrong tool option or something is broken because I can’t get the Tube points to snap to surface at all? When I turn on snap and try and move a point to a surface it will pass through the surface and float in space? I just want to align a curve/spline so the tube is straight vertically…

I’m new account so I can’t post the end result…
end result of using snap…

Snap percentage needs to be at zero

Also activate snap once you lay down your curve

Seems like that should be the opposite? 0 for no snapping 100% for snapping

The % is the amount of offset you’re adding to the snap. Setting it to 0 and it snapping right on the part would be correct and makes sense.

If setting it to 0 turned it off, then turning the button on/off would be redundant and not needed.