Is this going to ever have a desktop release?

I’ve been waiting for the computer version for a long time. Please put it on the shelves quickly. :broken_heart:

Maybe the only reason it hasn’t come out yet is because people haven’t asked enough?


Believe it or not, that’s absolutely true. I hacked into his web cam. Behind him is a chart that he colors in. At the top it says Release Nomad on PC with a bunch of balloons and stars. I can’t make out the exact numbers, but he seems very accurate about how he fills it in. I counted on this forum and Discord a couple of times, but I was certainly off as he also counts Twitter and I don’t have an account there to keep track.

It’s already finished and ready to be set free, we just haven’t hit the magic number yet. The issue is that it’s the same people asking over and over again. That never raises the count. It has to be new users to justify there being enough interest before it gets released.

Since he had already explained it in code a few times, I didn’t really think I needed to release the videos.


No no. It has nothing to do with price. Simple as it may seem, he just wants more people to ask him about it.


I too would like a Desktop version. I teach Nomad to new users; as it is an absolutely fantastic tool for teaching the fundamentals of digital sculpting. The single biggest obstacle to adoption is the cost of the iPad. They mostly all have decent PCs. The problem with getting into 3D sculpting there is that ZBrush is very expensive if you aren’t making money with it and Blender kind of sucks (or so I am told by my students). They all love the simplicity and ease of the Nomad UI. I literally had a room of 18 people asking about this just last week at ReaperCon.


The problem you mentioned is exactly the same as my actual problem. :grinning:and Another reason is that the computer screen is bigger and it should be more comfortable to operate.

I think that one of the main features pulling people from Nomad and to Zbrush will be the ease of moving back and forth from mobile to desktop options. This may override the subscription pricing concerns.

I love this product and for the benefit of us consumers, they both need to exist and vie for our $. Let’s hope that there is a Nomad PC option at some point.