I’ve been working on this for hours, making a superhero cape. I used a tube to get the shape and trimmed it so the mesh is as thin as a plane. Everything looks great, but there are dimple-like artifacts on the mesh. It’s a multi-res mesh, and I’ve been adjusting the low-poly version for hours, but I’m stuck in a loop.
In Blender, I’d fix this by moving the vertices, but that’s not an option here. The smooth tool doesn’t help, and vortex remesh ruins the shape and sharp edges. Is there another way to clean up the surface for a perfectly smooth result? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
I would definitely try remeshing it. It looks like you merged two objects or something and the border between them has some fun mesh that’s making it difficult to smooth. You’ll loose you’re multires but you should be able to smooth it after.
I gave up in the end, I exported the OBJ and adjust the vertices in Blender. Because I know that removing the triangular faces is the solution. After that, I re-imported the OBJ back into the app and applied multi-resolution again. DONE. I’m not keen on paying for the in-app quad remesh tool, which I believe is another alternative.
You can use the move brush to move single vertices if that’s what you went back to blender for. Just use a small radius brush.
The quadremesher is seriously worth the money. Game changer some may say, witchcraft is what it is