Help: Is it possible to change the back side to the front side (Front Side Vertex)?

Is it possible to change the back side to the front side ? Example: the inside of a sphere as FRONT VERTEX SITE ?

Not that I’m aware of bud, there might be a variety of settings that could be triggered to mimic that behaviour to a degree, but not entirely sure personally.

I just came up with the question because I read something on the side: in the matrix to change the SCALE to -1, changes the NORMAL direction, I do not know if this is true…? because I can not do anything with it yet
Sometimes it would be handy to be able to change the FRONT VERTEX direction, maybe there is such a -1 trick for that too …?

Temporariliy check inverse culling in the material.

:slightly_smiling_face: - I am curious if I will sometime know and understand all the checkboxes…
Thank you ! I’m just playing around with the switch and I’m just happy as a child with the new toy!
Nomad Sculpt makes HAPPY !