Helmet modeling - how to create a magnet strip?

I’m very new to Nomad Sculpt. I have a helmet, instead of printing as one peice i want to split it and attatch magnets where I’ve split it. But i cant figure out how to design this strip. Does anyone have any guidance? Any tips or artlicles? I have searched high and low for this…

Hey man!

If I were doing that, I’d measure the magnets and sculpt a recessed area for them in the helmet halves. After they’re printed, glue or epoxy the magnets into those recessed areas.

That’s exactly what i want to do. Ive printed helmets before that came with with that already on it. I want to learn how to design it myself though. I really like the idea of joining peices with magnets and want yo be able to put something like this on my own designs. Im attatching pictures of an example of a spiderman helmet i printed that alread had this magnet key on the helmet.

Check out that video. Then just measure your magnets, make a 1:1 scale version of the magnet in Nomad, clone it as many times as you need and place them where you want them in your helmet. Boolean to clear the spaces away to create the same thing as that Spider Man mask. I would definitely do some test sculpts/prints of just 1 simple shape, like a cylinder with the magnet boolean cutout just to make sure you can dial in the right size so the magnets fit the way you want. Once you’ve got that figured out, dive in and build an awesome helmet.

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Thank you very much! Gonna try that out!