I would love to see hair system in Nomad and would glady pay for it.
Would be awesome for sure, but don’t hold your breath.
Have you tried doing the hair with tubes using the normal and opacity maps?
It isn’t the perfect hair system, but it actually works extremely well if you spend just a little time with it.
Tubes with normal and opacity maps? I’ve only seen planes with opacity.
Setup for the hair is pretty easy this way.
Just create the hairs with a bunch of tubes (usually from bottom to the top).
Switch to MatCap with the Normal MatCap.
Render. (Now you have the normal map to get the strands)
Change to unlit (make sure the hair is solid white with a black background).
Render. (Now you have the opacity map)
Usually I use an open tube (uncheck closed in the profile) with a small outwards bend (a higher bend for different areas). Then add in the maps and you have automatic hair that you can bend, twist, color, and style any way you want. I’ve reused the same maps for multiple sculpts. Though you should make more than one with different hair densities.
And that’s just hair. @mestela made some quick smoke the other day with just a simple texture with the tubes on discord.
Yep, tubes have had proper uv’s for a while now, meaning you can throw a texture into the opacity slot for the material and do some cool stuff:
Awesome! Thanks guys!
I’ll give it a try.