Export from demo version

I am really impressed by Nomad Sculpt, so after trying the /demo version, I purchased the app (in Play Store), expecting to be able to activate the Export function.
But I guess I was wrong? It seems that the export will not be available in the /demo?
It there a way to enable it, since I unfortunately do not have a tablet/iPad. Alternatively, can I open the model I have created in /demo on my phone, and export it from there?

Of course you can save or export after purchasing the app. Especially, from Play Store. Sometimes it takes some time, but that is due to Google. If after a day it is not working:
You should contact @stephomi

It’s not possible, the web demo is only for testing purposes.
You can load the model but you won’t be able to export it back.

Thanks @stephomi - what a bummer! I should have read the message properly. Hope you have the desktop version ready soon, I really like the software!

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@stephomi Any chance you can make it possible to load projects that are created in the web version in the phone version? So that I can work on the PC and then use the phone to export to stl. I have purchased the phone version, but it doesn’t really work well for modelling.

Here’s my take on the web version of Nomad-
How about an encrypted format for the projects created on the web version of nomad (.eNomad), which can be opened in the native app version of Nomad (iOS and Android with IAP) for export to other softwares (obj, gltf, etc)… but still all the other restrictions and limitations applies to the web version… Additionally whenever we open a file from the native app version of Nomad (.nomad) in the web version, it should automatically get converted to the encrypted web format (.eNomad)…

##.eNomad is just a name of this hypothetical format…