Enter numbers for scaling and sizing

Sometimes I find the sliders to be a bit difficult when scaling a primitive. It would be nice to be able to enter figures to be able to get more accuracy. Would also help in slicing and keying for 3D printing to be able to reduce peg end by 2% or so.


Awesome! I’ve been following on IG but not Twitter. I will be sure to do so. Thank you so much.

That’s great news! :partying_face:

One thing that I learned is the height slider value for primitives is millimeters.
I imported a model that was 70 mm and later scaled a primitive column to the same height which turned out to be 70.
Coincidence? I think not…I must not have missed those notes but I bet that would help others too.


It does not make much sense to say Nomad is in millimeters.

A 3d software works in terms of “unit”. Whether it’s centimeters, millimeters or meters is only relevant when you send it to the 3d printer.
And usually you can change this setting in printer softwares.

For example https://www.sculpteo.com/en/3d-learning-hub/design-guidelines/3d-printing-dimensions/

On Sculpteo the default measure unit set is the millimeters, but you can choose, before you upload your file, between Millimeters, Centimeters and Inches as unit of measure for your 3D print.

It simply means your 3d printer software works with 1 unit = 1mm.

It must be a coincidence.
Here is what I was doing.

I created a model in Fusion 360 that was 70mm tall and exported it as an obj.
I opened Nomad and created a new file.
I imported the Fusion 360, 70mm tall model into the new Nomad file.
I then made a primitive in Nomad that matched the height of the Fusion 360 model. The value shown on the height-slider was 70. That’s why I thought maybe Nomad was using mm as a reference.

I see what stephomi is saying, I think. Since you sculpted at 70mm, you created your sculpt at 70 units which just happened to be mm which correlates to 70 units when applied to Nomad. So upon entering it into, say, a sliver program, you would then set your unit of measurement to be inches or mm but it will always be 70 units.

Yea. Stephan is right and I agree with what he said.
A slicer was not involved in my experience. The primitive’s height of 70 matched my imported 70mm like a glove. It had to be a coincidence.

By “3d printer software” I meant the software where you created the 70 mm.
So it means Fusion considers 1 unit = 1 mm.

It’s simply a convention, all 3d softwares only use “unit” internally.

For example let’s say you are using a 3d software that says “1 unit = 1 m”, typically in architecture.
You make a 70m cylinder/tower in this software and then you import it in Nomad. Making a 70 unit
cylinder in Nomad will match the size of your 70m building.

Basically unit issue only occurs if you want to print or combine 2 objects that were designed with different convention. Typically your 70mm screwdriver would match the 70m tower, so you’d need to scale on by 1000 or by 1/1000.

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So if I imported a 50mm x 50mm x 50mm cube I could make a 50x50x50 primitive and they would match?

I designed and imported a 50mm^3 in Fusion 360 and then made a primitive box in Nomad and set ‘size X’ to 50. It was almost the same as the 50mm cube. Just a little larger.

I made a 50"^3 cube and imported that. This cube was a lot bigger than the ‘size x’ set to 50.

So it was a coincidence that imported models designed in mm are of similar size.
I hope that helps someone down the line.


The key point is you did the 50m in fusion as well which we already know is 1 unit = 1mm.

If you make a 50m cube in another software that is using another convention (1m = 1 unit, typically architecture software) then yes the 50mm cube from fusion will be the same size as the 50m from the archi software.

  • make 50mm cube in fusion
  • make 50m cube in an archi software
  • export both in Nomad or any software -> same size!
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ahhh thank you! I was so confused why my model was the size of a fingernail when imported to Unreal engine xD. it is because 1 unit is only 1cm in Unreal and i was just using the base size of the objects in nomad, which was only half a unit! xD now i know to scale based on cm for unreal engine. but it can get a little weird because now every new object added(box, sphere, etc.) needs to be scaled every time i begin sculpting. Is there a way to set/reset a default size for the base objects?


But something you can do is ignoring unit inside Nomad until you export from Nomad.
You can then select everything in Nomad and scale it x100 (gizmo menu).


Thank you! I didn’t think of that. That is definitely the best solution for complicated projects!

I personally wouldn’t scale in Nomad, but I would set the units accordingly in the software you are importing into. Nomad doesn’t have real world units, but your other software does, so that’s where I’d set it.