Best Practices for Managing High-Poly Models in Nomad Sculpt?


I have been working on a high-poly project in Nomad Sculpt & as the model becomes more detailed, I am noticing significant performance drops; especially when using tools like the Move or Inflate brushes. This has made the sculpting process slower and a bit frustrating at times. :innocent:

I am curious to know if there are specific strategies / workflows that can help manage high-poly models more effectively within Nomad Sculpt. :slightly_smiling_face:

For instance; is it better to use layers, split the model into parts, or optimize meshes as I go? :thinking: Are there particular device settings or adjustments within Nomad that can help improve performance? I have checked Topology | Nomad Okta guide for reference but still need advice .

I would also appreciate tips on how to avoid losing detail when decimating or using lower-resolution proxies. Looking forward to insights from the community!

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Depends on hardware mostly, but I can share my numbers/workflow
For a character I usually keep the head and body in one mesh and it’s the largest one. I star it at 50K and progressively go to 400K refining with dynatopo only important areas. For other parts like hair, clothes, shoes, etc. I go to 50K-100K each so the final character is around 1M polys. If I plan to render closeup I can go to 2 or even 3M. Max polycount with 4gig RAM (ipad pro 2018) is 8-9M.
I use layers near the end of the modeling and mainly for texturing and fine geometry details like wrinkles.